Hello, I'm a software developer from Taiwan!
Bosh Kuo
Software Developer( Frontend / Backend / AI )

About Me
Hi I am Bosh! I graduated from Master's degree in Civil Engineering at National Taiwan University. When I was a master's student in NTU, I was engaged in research on the application of deep learning to structural engineering. Moreover, I have had previous internship experiences as a Machine Learning Engineer and Frontend Developer. Nowadays, I am a software engineer with passion for AI & Web technologies. Based on my enthusiasm for knowledge sharing, I run the Bosh's Tech Notes website to record the interesting knowledge I am learning. Outside of work, I enjoy playing the guitar, and I have a Youtube channel demonstrating my music works.
Born in Taichung, Taiwan.
Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University(NTUCE)
2020(Jun - Sep)
Work as intern machine learning engineer at National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering(NCREE)
2022(Jul - Dec)
Work as intern frontend engineer at GliaCloud Co., Ltd
Graduated with a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University(NTUCE)
I ♥
All kinds of Music, Watching U.S. Drama, Playing Guitar🎸, Playing Soccer⚽️
- Appropriate to amazing open source project Takuya Matsuyama's website
- Cute Shiba 3D model created by @zixisun02